配套内容 Package Detail
– Pickup Point /集合出发点 :
A) Bukit Mertajam- Penang
B) Batu Caves – Selangor
– Check In time/登入时间 : 1500 pm / 下午
– Check Out time / 退房时间 : 1200 noon / 下午
– Selected Date Departure and Return / 指定日期出发及回程
– Pre-Booking Request / 需提前预订
– Private trip 10 to go / 私人包车游10位出发。
行程 Itinerary :-
第一天 Day 1:
09.30am : 集合及出发至双武隆 Gether and Departure to Sg.Burong
10.30am :
- 从吉隆坡出发- 参观印度古庙斯里马哈马里安曼 Traveling from Kuala Lumpur – Visit Sri Maha Mariamman Temple
- 从槟城出发 – 探访太平湖呼Traveling From Penang – Visit Taiping Lake
11.30am : 自费午餐于道地餐馆 Own Expenses Lunch at Local Restaurant
3.30pm : 入住民宿及参观美术馆/游览市区/向日葵公园Check in Homestay and Visit Art Gallery / Town Tour / Sun Flower Garden
5.45pm : 享用海鲜火锅晚餐 Enjoy Steam Boat Sea Food Dinner
7.30pm : 乘船出海探索蓝眼泪 Depart to Explorer Blue Tear by Boat
8.30pm : 返回码头享用宵夜 Supper at the Homestay
9.00pm : 唱歌环节于民宿及自由活动 Karaoke Time at the Homestay and Free and Easy
第二天 Day 2
8.00am : 享用美味道地早餐 Breakfast at the Homestay
9.00am : 乘船出发至天空之境及体验徒手捕捉海耕蛤蛎 Departure to the Sky Mirror and Explore Sea Farming Activity by Boat
12.00pm : 午餐-网红小龙虾海鲜大拼盘午餐 Super Seafood Lunch at the Local Restaurant
1.00pm : 返回民宿冲凉及休息 Return to Homestay Bath and Rest
2.00pm : 退房后出发返回集合点 Check out from Homestay and Return to Pickup Point.
6.00pm : 抵达集合点结束行程及回到温暖的之家 Arrival Pickup point Ending Tour and Home sweet Home.
配套包含 Package Include
2 天行程交通接待
2 Day Land Transportation From Pickup Point
1 司导服务
1 Driver Guide Service
1晚住宿于民宿4-5 人共房
1 Night Home Stay for 4-5 sharing room type
4 餐饮于民宿
4 Meal at Homestay
2次船票- 天空之境及蓝眼泪之旅
2 Boat Ticket Sky Mirror and Blue Tear Tour
1 海耕挖蛤蛎体验
1 Sea Farming Experience
1 电车环村接送服务
1 Shuttle Tour at Sg Burong Town
3D 海底世界壁画 3D Undersea Wall Art Gallery
** 向日葵园游(8月花季)Sun Flower Garden ( Blooming Season at Aug)
配套不包含 Package Exclusive
× 私人消费 Own Expenses
× 自费项目 Self Expenses Ticket
× 司机小费每位马币10 元 Driver Tipping RM10 per person
配套餐食 Meal of the Package
Day 1 Seafood Steamboat Dinner
Day 1 Simple Supper
Day 2 Local Breakfast
Day 2 Super Seafood Platter Lunch
条款与条件 Terms And Conditions
1. 保留更改或调整时间及顺序做出行程景点及时间流程更改的权力,依当天天气及交通情况跟执行者及游客协调为准.
1. Reserve the right to admen the schedule or timing flow in itinerary, coordinate the detail base on the operator with Traveler by the day.
2. 出海观赏天空之镜及蓝眼泪时间以当天海潮水而定及做出调整
2. Reserve the Right to change or re-schedule for Sky Mirror and Explore Blue Eye Tear depend on Tide Water by the Sea on that day.
3. 防疫人人有责,需遵守标准作业程序(SOP)游客需要自备洗手液及时刻佩戴防卫口罩及保持社交距离。
3. Stop Covid-19 by everyone, please follow the SOP during the tour like bring your own Hand Sanitizer, all the time Wearing Mask and Keep social Distance within 1 meter
4. 向日葵主题公园不是花季时,将会由海盗船,海底世界3D 立体壁画水族馆替代。When not Season for The SunFlower Garden, there will be replaceement by 3D art gallery and Aquarium
. No refund for cancellation made within 72 hours before arrival.
景点介绍 Introduction Itinerary
天空之镜 Sky Mirror
位于霹雳双武隆海域, 而天空之镜是一片大浅滩,只在大潮后才会出现,当水退至大约脚踝的深度时,浅滩在艳阳照射下尤如一面镜子,可以清楚反射天空倒影,仿佛将世界切成了一半,这神秘的浅滩一望无际得让人分不出天与地。
Kampung Sungai Burung is actually a fishing village operated since many decades ago. Sky Mirror is another attraction that is very popular, when the tide water cover on the sand by the beach become a Mirror from the Sky.
Blue Tear Phenomenon 蓝眼泪
“蓝眼泪”,另一种名称为夜光藻(Noctiluca Scintillans)的球状藻类,甲藻门的一个海产属,是一种海洋微生物,属表层沿岸种类,分布广,世界各海域均有分布。
Noctiluca scintillans, commonly known as the sea sparkle, and also published as Noctiluca miliaris, is a free-living, marine-dwelling species of dinoflagellate that exhibits bioluminescence when disturbed (popularly known as mareel).
向日葵园 Sun Flower Garden
像太阳花般的生命! SMILE LIKE SUNFLOWER ! 太阳花,也称向日葵,它有着太阳般的外形,颜色金黄明亮,让人感觉活力和希望,同时带来一股正面温暖的力量。 霹雳州双武隆渔村全新面貌,让人感觉焕然一新、环岛民宿周边种植向日葵的行列,推出新系列以太阳花为主题,都是以美丽双武隆的秀美乡村为着眼点。
Sunflower as like a Power Live, the Owner create a Theme of Garden name SMILE LIKE SUNFLOWER! When Season like a golden yellow sea under the sun look Awesome. Plant around at the Homestay and surrounding the town and lake make more warm and peaceful.
Aquarium + Art Gallery 水族馆+画廊
位于双武隆渔村里,有一家别有特色的水族馆里优美色彩十分艳丽,让人一种仿佛进入了画中的海底世界,感觉通过画面设置中不同细节选择。水族馆内养殖了多种鱼类包括其中有龙趸、龙胆石斑、大石斑鱼、是所有石斑鱼类中体型最大者,故也被称为“斑王” 这也是水族馆最受瞩目的主角明星之一。
Local at Sungai Burung village, there have an special Aquarium + Art Gallery. Feeding few Type of fish like Giant grouper. some more there have 3D Wall Art in the Gallery theme as Pirate.
Taiping Lake 太平湖
Taiping Lake Garden local at Perak Taiping Town , Taiping Lake Gardens opened in 1880 becoming Malaysia’s first park. Since opening, the park has been maintained at immaculate standards for almost one hundred and fifty years. The former tin mine has ten artificial lakes, a jogging track and houses Taiping Zoo. Mist-covered hills dominate the horizon.
Sri Maha Mariamman Temple 斯利马哈马安曼古庙
位于瓜拉雪拉莪Bukit Rotan,以前被称为Arulmigu Sri Mariammam Temple。历时四年打造,一共用了十二亿。寺庙是由印度请来的技艺高超工匠以印度传统的庙宇方式建行而成。主要拜祭印度女神,此萨帝庙是世界上第一座集合了51间来自印度,西藏,孟加拉,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡与巴基斯坦的萨帝圣寺的神圣祝福的庙宇。
Located in Bukit Rotan, Kuala Selangor, formerly known as Arulmigu Sri Mariammam Temple. It took four years to build, spent 1.2 billion. The temple is built by the skillful craftsmen from India in the traditional Indian temple way and mainly worships Indian goddess. This temple is the first temple in the world that gathers 51 sacred blessings from Shakti Peedam in India, Tibet, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.
自费项目 Self Expenses Ticket
自费第一天午餐 Own expenses Day 1 Lunch
各项购物 Personal Expenses