Product details of [Multiple Countries] Travel Global Data Roaming Travel SIM Card
- 价格仅施用于SIM卡 / Price is for SIM card only.
- 无限有效及终身会员资格,无截止日期,可终身重用 / Unlimited validity & lifetime membership, no expiration and reusable for whole life.
- 套餐可通过以下方式购买 / Package can purchase thru:
- 或/or
- WhatsApp:
- 无需付订金 / No deposit required.
- 全球良好的网络覆盖率 / Good Global Coverage
- 每日4G的数据量为500mb,无限3G支持 / Daily Data 500mb for 4G and unlimited 3G support.
1.1 不适合使用Global Data Sim (“GDSim”)的情况 / Circumstances in Which It is Not Suitable for You to Use Global Data Sim (“GDSim”)
如果遇到以下问题,建议您从YOUTRIP获得协助 / If you encountered the following issues, it is advisable that you seek for assistance from YOUTRIP.
- BlackBerry不支持GDSim / The GDSim is not supported by BlackBerry OS
- 不支持所有未启用4G的旧移动设备,包括旧款诺基亚,三星和iPhones品牌 / The GDSim is not supported by all old mobile devices that are not 4G enabled, in particular, some old Nokia, Samsung, iPhones brands.
- 如果您使用锁频功能的手机(iPhone,尤其是三星品牌的手机)遇到以下情况 / If you have bought a locked phone (iPhone and especially Samsung brand), and you see
- “PIN to unlock SIM Regional Lock”
- “SIM network PIN blocked. Enter SIM network PUK” or
- “SIM network unlock PIN”
请先解锁您的手机以使用GDSim / You have to unlock the phone before you can use our GDSim.
- GDSim不适合作为热点连接到PC或笔记本电脑 / It is not recommended to connect GDSim’s hotspot on your PC or Notebook
- GDSim不适合用于大量下载和上传视频以及游戏 / GDSim is not suitable for massive videos uploading/downloading and games streaming
- GDSim不适合用于大量使用Waze或Google Maps / GDSim is not suitable for massive usage of WAZE or Google Maps
- GDSim不支持普通电话拨打或短信发送,您可以使用应用程序(如WhatsApp,微信等)拨打电话/ GDSim does not allow you to make normal calls or send messages. You can only make calls via mobile app such as WhatsApp, WeChat, and others.
- 希望付款后能马上获得数据包的用户不适合购买此配套 / Our packages is not suitable for users who expect to have instant data package after making payment.
2.1 您可以使用网上银行支付,Visa /万事达信用卡,Boost Wallet,Touch’n Go电子钱包,iPay88在线支付平台或其他YOUTRIP批准的付款方式进行支付。 YOUTRIP保留删除或更改付款方式的权利。You can pay by using Online Banking, Visa/Master Credit Card, Boost Wallet, Touch’n Go E-wallet, iPay88 online payment platform or any other payment methods as approved by YOUTRIP from time to time. YOUTRIP reserves the rights to remove or amend the payment methods.
2.2 在准备iPay88在线支付时,请注明您从原籍国的预计出发日期 / When preparing for iPay88 online payment, kindly indicate your estimated departure date from your origin country.
2.3 当我们通过在线iPay88收到您的付款后,您同意我们代表您在18个工作小时内购买相关数据包,如下:Upon receiving your payment by YOUTRIP, in particular, through online iPay88, you agree that YOUTRIP will only purchase the relevant data package on your behalf within 18 working hours, as follows:
(a) 从星期一至星期五:大约上午11点和下午4点 / Mondays to Fridays: at about 11am and 4pm
(b) 星期六:上午11点左右 / Saturdays: at about 11am
(c) 周日和公共假日:无法购买数据包,直到下一个工作日 / Sundays and Public Holidays: no purchasing of data packages until the next working day
2.4 在通过iPay88在线支付数据包款项后,数据包不会立即被购买 / Please note that data package will not be purchased instantly after you have make payment of the data package through iPay88 online.
2.5 购买数据包时,请务必将您的SIM卡ICCID号添加到YOUTRIP会员帐户中,否则我们可能不会购买数据包 / Always remember to add your SIM ICCID # to your YOUTRIP member account at the time of purchasing data package, failing which we may not proceed the payment of the data package from our end.
2.6 至所有新用户,当您收到我们的SIM卡时,请尽快将您的20位数SIM卡ICCID#发送电子邮件至booking@youtriptravel.com或WhatsApp至012-4201033,以便我们协助您不延误的购买数据包 / For all new users, after receiving our physical SIM, kindly email (to or WhatsApp (to 012-4201033) your 20 digits SIM ICCID# to us ASAP so that we can assist you in purchasing your data package without delay.
2.7 如果用户提交的20位数SIM卡ICCID号不在YOUTRIP主库存清单中,或者用户从世界各地的其他经销商,代理商或朋友中获得类似的GDSim,我们将不接受此数据包订单。此外,我们保留在不为用户购买任何数据包的情况下退款或不退款的权利 / We will not accept buying of data packages if the user submits a 20 digits SIM ICCID# which is not in our Master Stock List distributed by YOUTRIP or where the user obtains similar GDSim from other dealers, agents or friends worldwide. In such instance, we reserve our rights to refund or not to refund the money paid by the user without buying any data package for the user.